949-723 Walthers Scenecraft HO Background Building – Instant Buildings(TM) — Old West Frontier


1 in stock

SKU: WA949-723 Category:


Put more scenery in less space combining Instant Buildings with Instant Horizons. These printed buildings fit between actual structures and scenes, smoothing the transition from foreground to backdrop. Where space is limited, or to hide seams, glue Instant Buildings on the scene. For a 3-D effect, arrange Instant Buildings in tiers and elevate structures at the rear to add depth. Or mount the buildings on a sheet of styrofoam and cut out small angles and openings using a hot wire cutter. For a quick change photo backdrop, or more layout variety, assemble Instant Buildings but don’t glue them in place. The scene can be changed over and over again. Easy to use, they can be mixed and matched to create a unique background for your layout or module. Each includes complete instructions. (Some sets include additional details, not illustrated.)

A collection of wooden and brick businesses, right out of the old west. Use with: 949-701 Sierra Boomtown, 949-702 Tall Timber, 949-703 Mountain to Desert, 949-705 Dry Wash Desert, 949-706 Saguaro Desert, 949-707 Desert to Country.

Tallest Building: 6″ 15cm; Longest 12-1/2″ 31.25cm

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg