207275 Secondhand LGB G Scale Ballenberg Steam Railroad Class HG 3/3 Steam Locomotive – MFX sound


1 in stock

SKU: sh1655/25 Category:


Excellent condition with little use. However there are no accessories such as the driver and whistle. No instructions.

This is a model of the Brünig Steam Railroad BDB class HG 3/3 cogwheel rack locomotive, road number 1067, from Switzerland. The paint scheme and lettering are prototypical for Era VI, or as the locomotive presently still looks in use. The locomotive is driven by a powerful, ball bearing Bühler motor, and real rack railroad operation is possible. The locomotive has an mfx/DCC sound decoder with many light and sound functions. It also has a built-in smoke unit with steam exhaust synchronized with the wheels. The locomotive has many separately applied details, prototypical modelling of the valve gear and side rods as well as the cogwheel gear.

Additional information

Weight 3 kg